The Smiiley Times

Weather: Humid & Rainy | Last Updated: 4th Month of the Year 2020

Animal Crossing Diary!

Week 3: Hippity skippity, hoppity hop!

Always nice to be greeted by Isabelle!

Making Orville happy before every flight!

Everyone queuing orderly for the bunny hop race!

Everyone having so much fun hopping on Yumepara island!

Here is a picture of everyone with bunny hats!

I met Audie on Yumepara island as well, What an honour!

Flo the Penguin reminded me of the beautiful falling cherry blossoms

I made friends with Sable this week! and dabbled with custom designs!

My goal in the next week or two is to beautify island Happiness!

So KK Slider would come and hopefully i can make paths on my island.

Caught a blue marlin this week, Hype!

Thats all for this week! :)

Hope everyone have a wonderful Easter holidays and enjoyed the Cherry Blossoms!

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