The Smiiley Times

Weather: Humid & Hot | Last Updated: 4th Month of the Year 2020

Animal Crossing Diary!

Week 5: Enjoying the simple things!

Unfortunately, there really isn't any big news to write this week.

So i decided to enjoy the simpler things, to interact with my villagers!

Here is Sable! She is happy and loves to give me custom patterns.

Here is Wolfgang! I am not sure whether i should be angry
that he sat in the middle of the log bridge.

Here is Deena & Bree looking at the Orange Tree!

Here is Daisy Mae! There is a wonderful fan-comic about her roots!
Click here to check it out!

Here is me on LivRileyx's island! So many pretty flowers!

Here is Leif! I am glad that he decided to come to Happiness!

Here is Norma! Looking cute in her raincoat! She loves flowers!

Here is Bones! I caught him playing the piano in the town hall!

Thats all for this week! :)

After looking at Eishiya's Black Dram comic!

I decided to draw a comic about an incident that happened in Happiness.
Click on the picture below if you would like to see it!

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